Scope note for the property foresees sequencing pattern (is sequencing pattern foreseen in) – Y22  Back


Scope note


This property associates an instance of Z12 Issuing Rule with a sequencing pattern foreseen for the issues of a serial that follows that policy.

Typically, a sequencing pattern is not recorded in its archetypical form, but through the transcription of a statement found on one or more than one issue of the serial. The complete semantics of the relation between the serial described and the statement transcribed is contained in the following circle: F18 Serial Work R10 has member F19 Publication Work [ = the concepts of the individual issue from which the statement is transcribed] R3 is realised in F24 Publication Expression R15 has fragment F23 Expression Fragment Y43 is indicative of Z10 Sequencing Pattern Y22i is sequencing pattern foreseen in Z12  Issuing Rule Y37i is former or current issuing rule of F18 Serial Work.

FRBR ER distinguishes between the archetypical Sequencing Pattern, an attribute of the Expression entity, and the actual Numbering, an attribute of the Manifestation entity. The FRBR ER Sequencing Pattern notion corresponds to Z10 Sequencing Pattern in PRESS OO , while the FRBR ER Numbering corresponds to the instance of F23 Expression Fragment used to convey the archetypical sequencing pattern and does not call for a specific class in PRESS OO.

