Records in Contexts-Ontology

Records in Contexts-Ontology


Records in Contexts-Ontology (RiC-O): RiC-O is a specific implementation of RiC-CM formally expressed in the World Wide Web Consortium standard Web Ontology Language (OWL). RiC-O provides the archival community with the ability to make archival description available using the techniques of Linked Open Data (LOD) employing a conceptual vocabulary and structure that is specific to archival description. As a specific implementation, it conforms to the high-level RiC-CM, though includes the greater detail required for implementation as an ontology


Show Description Language
Records in Contexts-Ontology (RiC-O): RiC-O is a specific implementation of RiC-CM formally expressed in the World Wide Web Consortium standard Web Ontology Language (OWL). RiC-O provides the archival community with the ability to make archival description available using the techniques of Linked Open Data (LOD) employing a conceptual vocabulary and structure that is specific to archival description. As a specific implementation, it conforms to the high-level RiC-CM, though includes the greater detail required for implementation as an ontology en


Start date: 2024-04-16


Label Language Last updated
Records in Contexts-Ontology * en 2024-04-16

* : Standard label for this language


Master project: Records in Contexts

Root namespace

This project manages the RiC-O namespace.

Ongoing namespace: RiC-O 1.0 ongoing

Published versions

Namespace Publication date

Profiles owned by this project

Profile Creation date

Profiles used by this project

Profile Version Status Creation date API

Thesaurus list

There is currently no controlled vocabulary linked to this project.

Members of the project

Name Institution Role
Stephen Hart Université de Bern Member
Vincent Alamercery École normale supérieure de Lyon Administrator
Francesco Beretta CNRS Administrator
Pierre Vernus LARHRA - Université Lumière Lyon 2 Member
Tobias Hodel University of Bern Observer
Alexandre Perraud CNRS Administrator
Morgane Pica ENS Lyon Member